The idea of the LEAGUE
Since only companies with truly extraordinary processes are accepted into the League in a strict selection process, the League is a forum supported by open and mutual inspiration of the extraordinary! Companies from all industries and of different sizes are represented here. It is important to us that a mutually inspiring exchange between the League members takes place continuously. The board of the League ensures that the favourable conditions for this are created in the form of workshops onspecific topics and regular meetings. In this way, new and unusual processes are learned and exchanged. Public relations work is another focus, so that as many companies as possible are inspired and encouraged by these often unbelievable cultures and processes
Activities of the LEAGUE
During the year there are one or two LEAGUE meetings in which the newly admitted companies and their extraordinary processes are presented; the LEAGUE members themselves determine the contents of further meetings and the fields of interest to be discussed. Each company can send several managers to the LEAGUE meetings after prior notice. The meetings usually take place on the premises of the LEAGUE members, so that the atmosphere can be experienced first hand.
In addition, there are also bilateral meetings/contacts between the LEAGUE members to exchange experiences on specific topics.
Hardegg Gutsverwaltung
„International industry benchmarking for local improvement“
Gutsbetriebe Hardegg use an international external benchmarking of similar facilities for the continuous monitoring and improvement of their own parameters. In this way, the own business not only receives signals where things are going particularly well and where there is a need for improvement – „objectified by peer comparison“ – but also specific suggestions for improvement through the possibility of insight into the processes of similar businesses.
Gutmann Privatbank
„The Learning Organization“
As an award-winning private bank and financial services provider year after year, the targeted activation of all employees is a prerequisite for this success.
Bankhaus Gutmann has developed a clear process for harnessing the potential of each individual employee in his or her area of responsibility. Every employee at every level has developed a feeling for what he or she could do better every day in their own area of responsibility if they would let go of something else.
„Focus on IMPORTANT AND NOT URGENT enables top performance for customers“
In order to be able to concentrate 100% on the customer at lunch and dinner and to be able to fulfil his or her individual wishes unexcitedly and as expected, all employees constantly think and work (long-term) ahead. Lessons learned and their rapid implementation are just as important in the process as creative ideas from as many people as possible.
zur WebseiteVentocom
“ ONE key figure that controls everything and that everyone can and should participate in.“
As few calls as possible in the own call center! This key figure controls the whole company and motivates each employee to do his or her best for it. As a result, the highest level of customer satisfaction is ensured and a very rapid expansion is continuously made possible. This key figure and all key figures that support it are visible to all employees at all times and can be influenced by them.
zur WebseiteArthrex
„Innovative budgeting process and exceptional customer proximity“
The omnipresent mission „Helping surgeons to treat their patients better“, which is highly appreciated by the staff, helps Arthrex to maintain extraordinary growth through a cycle of innovation, customer training and celebration, and to be a global leader.
zur WebseiteRiess-Kelomat
„Autonomous sustainable management over many generations“
For more than 300 years the Riess family has been running this traditional company, now in its tenth generation. Decisive for this extraordinary success are long-term thinking, the focus on the continuity and independence of the company and the promotion of cooperation between the generations in the company at all levels.
zur WebseiteKomperdell
„One Focus ‚Speed‘ as a success factor“
When it comes to speed from design to delivery, Komperdell excels in ski and hiking sticks and diving suits. All company departments are committed to this focus. Functions that stand in the way of speed are simply and quickly eliminated. Thus, the purchasing department is at the same time the development department together with the suppliers,
zur WebseiteF/List
„Culture of Innovation through High Dynamic Teaming“
In the interior design of private jets and first class aircraft, the strictest standards and requirements must be met and at the same time exceptional solutions are required. F/List has established a culture of innovation throughout the company, which is characterized by the sentence: „We want to be first in everything we do and we also try to be an innovative step ahead of our customers! is characterized.“
zur WebseiteSonnentor
„Swarm intelligence for strategic decisions“
Sonnentor is characterised by an exceptional corporate culture, which is expressed, among other things, in a process of democratic decision-making, to which the owner also submits with full confidence. This results in a particularly high level of identification with the company when it comes to important strategic decisions and the resulting responsibility. The company does not pursue individual goals but only team goals.
„Internal Facebook and Wikipedia“
IBM has managed to make the transfer of information and project collaboration transparent and efficient with its own internal communication platform. The platform and the process are the basis of communication and essential for the operating result. External project partners are granted specific access rights to relevant IBM information. This creates an intensive cooperation and a feeling of togetherness among the project groups.
zur WebseiteBRP-Rotax
„Internal employee suggestion scheme with 100% participation“
The Bombardier Group’s motor factory has created a suggestion scheme which is characterised by 100% participation (an average of 8 suggestions per employee/year, at least one from each employee). This results in an ongoing quality optimisation at the lowest hierarchy level (most ideas are implemented immediately). This is achieved through open and ongoing communication and information transfer, e.g. through daily meetings in production,
zur WebseiteKnorr-Bremse
„Annual Strong Focus for an additional 3% success“
Knorr-Bremse – the world market leader in braking systems – is able to save approximately 3% of sales costs each year in a globally focused process. This process makes a significant contribution to securing the future of the company’s sites and global market dominance. Ideas for increasing productivity / reducing costs are generated at the site, evaluated in monetary terms, approved by local management and then managed by a Strong Focus manager at headquarters.
zur WebseiteWiesner-Hager
„Product-related Eco-Balance“
Within the company, every single component of the office furniture produced has been documented with the utmost transparency, both internally and externally, in a way that is traceable from the upstream supplier to the end of the product life cycle in terms of its ecological footprint. As all this data became public, the employees took the initiative to ensure that all this data also became the market benchmark above average.
Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield
„Culture of Trust“
The stock exchange-listed company is managed from Austria with a holding company of only 10 employees for 1,300 group employees; the reporting of the national companies is limited to two pages! (One page KPIs and one page text information). The culture of trust begins with the selection process of new subsidiaries („Do the managers and the owner fit into our culture?“). The reporting system has only a formal character, since close cooperation with a very high degree of freedom characterises the daily business.
zur WebseiteWorthington Cylinders
„Radical feedback culture“
Worthington Cylinders Austria lives the company values and verifies their compliance and benefits by continuous feedback to and from each employee. Benchmarks are also intensively sought outside the company in order to improve continuously. Within the company the management team is characterised by an exceptionally open information culture. In the Great Place to Work ranking, the company has always been at the top of the list in recent years.
zur WebseiteBorealis
„What we cannot do safely, we do not do.“
Every injury is one too many – Borealis has managed to reduce accidents per million working hours to around 10% of the Austrian average through a concentrated focus on active safety. Consistent work on the safety process has also fostered a team spirit throughout the company, creating a “foundation for excellence.”
Building on this, Borealis is driving innovation and the circular economy as keys to a successful transformation.
zur WebseiteBaustoff und Metall
„Employee participation – lived responsibility – competitive advantage“
Baustoff und Metall has managed to become one of the largest suppliers in their field by means of a radical entrepreneurial approach that focuses on the employees in the subsidiaries; the company has succeeded in taking second place in Germany in a short time on a strongly conquering market. Principles are laid down in a charter and lead, for example, to branch managers having responsibility and competence in many areas, which must not be undermined by the hierarchically superior managing directors.
„Integral planning – agile collaboration on projects“
With the integral planning process ATP has found an exceptional answer to the complex challenges of construction projects. Essentially it involves the comprehensive determination and coordination of the client’s requirements, management and advice based on know-how and experience with regard to the client’s ideas and, as a result, an agile and coordinated comprehensive cooperation between all the main implementers. Architects, engineers, structural engineers, building services and electrical engineers work simultaneously on one model!
Advisory Board
- DI Wolfgang Anzengruber (Verbund)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke (Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovation)
- Dr. Erich Hampel
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Werner Hoffmann (Contrast Management Consulting)
- Dr. Wolfram Littich
- Dr. Andreas J. Ludwig (Umdasch)
- Mag. Waltraud Martius (Syncon)
- Russell Perry
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Otto Petrovic (Universität Graz)
- Karl Samstag
- Mag. Joseph Eberle (Raiffeisen Bank International)
- Dr. Reinhold Süßenbacher
- Mag. Per Wendschlag (ehem. IKEA)
- Mag. Norbert Zimmermann
The association „LEAGUE of Extraordinary Enterprises“ was founded in May 2010. The board of directors consists of experienced entrepreneurs and management consultants who, thanks to their experience and education, are able to identify and describe extraordinary processes. It is supported by the advisory board.
The LEAGUE of Extraordinary Enterprises is a non-profit association. Membership is free of charge and without obligation.

Gernot Dolezal MSc.
Member of the Board
It is important to me to convey the dimensions that determine success for companies.

Susanne Dolezal
Member of the Board
Board member, supervisory board member
Specialist for trustworthy Corporate decisions.
Criteria No 1
There must be processes that are unique or extraordinary, i.e. that do not exist in this way in other companies on the market. These processes must have been running for at least 3 years.
Criteria No 2
The processes must have a comprehensible influence on the success of the company.
Criteria No 3
The extraordinary nature of these processes must be confirmed by the employees in interviews.

Interview by Gernot Dolezal, MSc.What Marcel Hirscher has in common with successful companies
Gernot Dolezal, MSc., consultant and coach, explains in an interview that in sports and in good corporate management, extraordinary things are sought after equally, how the LEAQUE of Extraordinary Enterprises contributes to this and how a supervisory board can be a coach for the management board.

Interview by Gernot Dolezal, MSc.What Marcel Hirscher has in common with successful companies
Gernot Dolezal, MSc., consultant and coach, explains in an interview that in sports and in good corporate management, extraordinary things are sought after equally, how the LEAQUE of Extraordinary Enterprises contributes to this and how a supervisory board can be a coach for the management board.